Research & Solution Development
The world needs more energy, and more from energy. Our research and development approach is to invent, accelerate, design, prototype, and bring the most innovative solutions to market. We are solving some of the most complex challenges with technologies that explore the future of design and manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and computing. NARJON is one example of the many innovation projects we have running.
NARJON involved the development of a breakthrough waste oil destruction technology which has been tested to near-zero atmospheric emissions and zero-residue. Waste oil is a global problem, it is toxic and there is significant difficulty and expense in its disposal. Some first world countries recycle part of their used oil (up to 40% in USA and Australia) but it remains a massive global problem. Every day in Australia some 135,000 liters of waste oil is disposed of; some into recycling, some into storage drums and some illegally onto land or into waterways. Oil recycling may appear logical but it is not environmentally friendly; it has a high embodied energy input into the recycling system, it is expensive and the final residue (40% of the waste oil input) is a concentrated toxic sludge. Nevertheless, even that sludge can be efficiently destroyed using NARJON Technology with zero or near zero emissions and residue. NARJON Technology was developed by a scientist and engineer. It’s specifically engineered combustion chamber applies a scientifically determined extreme temperature and ‘Know-How’ in the use of a specifically engineered combustion chamber, to enable waste oil to be burnt without emissions or near to zero emissions. The NARJON technology has the effect of converting the waste oil and the inherent pollutants, into heat energy. Scientifically, it is a conversion of matter into energy. Potentially, the technology will have application in the coal industry and for general waste. The NRAJON Combustion Chamber (NCC), has successfully burnt waste oil resulting in near zero emissions and near zero sludge, soot or waste. There are countless industrial and environmental applications that will be able to utilise the NARJON technology.
Some of our other science and technology projects include leading Space technologies, AI and neural network developments for Defence and Security applications.
Contact us today to help you achieve the Solutions for a brighter tomorrow.